Reimagining Community Wildfire Protection Planning in Ventura County, California

The Kindling Equity team focuses on the meaningful inclusion of socially vulnerable communities in the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) in Ventura County’s Wildland Urban Interface. In collaboration with the Ventura Regional Fire Safe Council, the team engages with vulnerable communities (e.g., low-income, non-English speaking, Indigenous, housing-insecure) to understand their needs and ensure inclusive fire planning practices. The team’s Story Map presents ecological data and diverse community feedback, to visualize the “projected” and “reimagined” states of wildfire risk in Ventura County. This project aims to understand the intersection of inequity and wildfire risk, as well as provide a framework for other local governments to generate more inclusive CWPPs. Read the Kindling Equity team’s final project report here.


Reimagining defensible space in Santa Barbara County, California